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Cumhur KILINÇER, M.D., Ph.D.
DATE OF BIRTH December, 1966 PLACE OF BIRTH Amasya, Türkiye MARITAL STATUS Married (with Mrs. Aysun KILINCER) CITIZENSHIP Republic Of Türkiye EDUCATION Medical School Istanbul University Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkiye, 1983 - 1989 Post Graduate Training and Employment 1989 - 1996 Residency Istanbul University Medical Faculty, Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul, Turkiye 1996 Feb-June Staff Neurosurgeon Istanbul University Medical Faculty, Department of Neurosurgery, Istanbul, Turkiye 1996 Jul-Sep Consultant Neurosurgeon State Hospital of Ministry of Health and Social Assistance Artvin, Turkiye 1996 -1997 Consultant Neurosurgeon as Second Lieutenant Military Hospital, Erzincan, Turkiye (Military Duty) 1999- 2007 Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery Trakya University Medical Faculty Department of Neurosurgery, Edirne, Turkiye 2004-2009 Ph.D. on Human Anatomy Trakya University,Institute of Health Sciences, Edirne, Turkey 2008- 2012 Associate Professor of Neurosurgery Trakya University Medical Faculty Department of Neurosurgery, Edirne, Turkiye 2013- Present Professor of Neurosurgery Trakya University Medical Faculty Department of Neurosurgery, Edirne, Turkiye Special training
of European
Association of Neurosurgical Societies 1993 Brugge, Belgium 1994 Çeşme, Turkey 1995 Klagenfurt, Austria
1996 Coopenhagen, Denmark Fellowships May-Aug 2000 Spinal Surgery Fellowship (Prof. Dr. Mehmet ZiIeli) Aegean University, School of Medicine Department of Neurosurgery, Izmir, Turkey
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Neurosurgery Department Spine Research Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Jan-Feb 2008 Spinal Surgery Fellowship (Prof. Dr. Azmi Hamzaoglu) Bilgi University, School of Medicine Department of Orhopedics, Istanbul, Turkey
(Marinus deKleuver, Paul W. Pavlov) Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, Netherlands April-May 2012 AO Clinical Research and Documentation Department, Dübendorf, Switzerland
Turkish Neurosurgical Society, 1999 Spinal Surgery Group of Turkish Neurosurgical Society, 1999 Turkish Society of Medical Education, 2000 AOSpine, 2004 ISMISS, 2007 North American Spine Society, 2011 Eurospine, 2011 ISASS, 2011 EANS, 2012
AWARDS RECEIVED 1. Second place at the Society for Experimental Mechanics 2004 Student Paper Competition: Inceoglu S, McLain RF, Cayli S, Kılınçer C, Ferrara LA: Stress relaxation of bone significantly affects the pull-out behavior of pedicle screws. J Orthop Res Nov;22(6):1243-7, 2004 2. Honorable mention at the Turkish Neurosurgical Society 2006 Scientific Congress: Inceoglu S, Kılınçer C, Tami A, McLain RF, “Insan Lomber Pedikul Korteksi. Bolum II. Vida Uygulanması Sirasinda Deformasyon Ozellikleri”, Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği 20.Bilimsel Kongresi, Nisan 28 - Mayıs 2, 2006. TND Dergisi, Cilt 16, Ek Sayı. 36, Antalya-Belek, 2006 3. Fourth place amongst the best presentations at the Turkish Neurosurgical Society 2007 Scientific Congress: Kılınçer C, Inceoglu S, Sohn MJ, Ferrara LA, Bakirci N, Benzel EC: Load sharing within a human thoracic vertebral body: an in vitro biomechanical study. Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği 21.Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, 2007 4. Winner of the best spinal paper award at the Turkish Neurosurgical Society 2007 Scientific Congress: Kılınçer C, Inceoglu S, Sohn MJ, Ferrara LA, Bakirci N, Benzel EC: Load sharing within a human thoracic vertebral body: an in vitro biomechanical study. Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği 21.Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, 2007 5. Winner of AOSpine/European Association of Neurosurgical Societies’ 2007 Fellowship at Sint Maatenskliniek in Nijmegen / Nederlands. 6. Trakya University Scientific Publication Performance Award – 2007 7. Winner of Best Poster Presentation Award: Simsek O, Sut N, Kılınçer C, Hamamcıoglu MK, Memis D, “Predicting Outcome of Head Injury: A Novel, Computer-Based Model”. Poster presentation. 15th Scientific Congress of the Euroacademia Multidisciplinaria Neurotraumatologica (EMN), Antalya 6-9 May 2010. 8. Winner of AO Clinical Investigation and Documentation Fellowship at Dübendorf, Zürich (April-June 2012). 9. AREGE2, Second place at the patent competition: Interlocked double sacrum screw Izmir-Turkey. (2012) 10. Winner of Spine Technology Award 2013: Interlocked Double Sacrum Screw System. 11. Winner of Turkish neurosugical Society Patent Award 2014. 12. Winner of Ankara Güven Hospital Dr. Aysun-Ahmet Küçükel Award “2014 the best surgical paper” 13. Winner of Trakya University Science Award 2014